Colloidal Silver 15ppm /100ml


Colloidal Silver  ( Ag+) – 99.99% pure micro particles of  silver suspended in triple distilled water is  an amazing universal bacteriostatic , anty-fungal, anty – viral remedy for  all skin types,  the best to apply for dry skin before any  cream or serum or oil for better effects. Use topically for sunburns, open wounds, rashes, acnes, skin infections or everywhere when you have  bacterial, fungi , viral or paracites  related problems, Its a remedy of 1000 ways of use …



Colloidal Silver (Ag+) calms the skin by reducing inflammation and fights bacteria without destroying the natural flora of your skin … It also decreases the irritating effects caused by oxidative stress and stimulates skin elasticity.

Checked properties applying it topically can help treat everything from rosacea to acne to ageing , sunburns, all kind of skin problems .Heal the wounds and scares

It’s also why colloidal silver is still infused into band aids and wound treatments in high-tech hospitals, and NASA scientists use it to purify water in outer space … Suitable for all skin types …Do not use if you are allergic to Silver !!!…