Colloidal Silver is one of this tonics which absolutely deserves for your attention if your looking for solution for your skin problems or any problems correlate with gems, fungi, viruses and paracites. And is a absolut must in every home firs Aid… If you are natural remedies seeker…
helps with:
– acne, egzema, psoriasis, pimples, white heads, black head, cyst, red skin and every inflamation.
– will also take great care about burns, sunburns, cuts, wounds and skrapes…
Colloidal Silver Kate Sanders Natural is made using electrolysis to suspend metallic silver (99.99 %) in purest distilled water.
How silver works against microbes
Silver (Ag+) has a positive charge and it interacts with microbial DNA causing a failure of replication. These are the silver ions (not silver particles) that are responsible for this effect.
Step 1
The silver ions bind to the microbial cell wall causing it to rupture and allowing the silver ions to penetrate into the cell.
Step 2
Inside of the cell, the silver ions bind to key enzymes that are essential for energy production within the cell. This blocks the metabolic system of the cell.
Step 3
The silver ions bind to microbial DNA strands and block the replication process. This shuts down the microbial replication process.